6 Monday morning, I skipped yoga :/ womp womp but was so tired, then got up and made my "Taco Meat" from this recipe. It came out fine, although tastes just like the walnut sundried tomato pate I made last year with cumin and paprika.
I dotted it onto romaine hearts with a little leftover guac and ate through it as quick as I could. After that, did some design work and recording for the new records, then headed to my last day of Girls Rock substitute teaching.
After GRNC, I came home and spun up some "sushi"-- you'd think after 3 years of this I'd have figured out some sort of way to get my rolls decently tight, but NOPE. Watched Drag Race (no spoilers, but YAY!) and noshed those, then finished a little of my returns packing and tried to hit the hay. Two problems: Godzilla and the bronchitis.
7 Eventually drifted off though. Sadly, it was probably well after 2 and when the alarm went off, I found myself, again, unwilling to get up for Yoga. So I skipped. I'm gonna be doing A LOT in the last 2 weeks I'm here. Recorded some tunes and ended up not going to the barn because the tunes took a minute, and also forgot to eat for the most part-- daily food was a banana, a nutrition bar and then a late night avocado/grapefruit snack.
8 Weds, I got up and went to hot yoga, FINALLY, then banana and pecans, then the gym. After the gym, grabbed tomatoes and a raw nutrition bar and ran to work. Quiz with Sean, then home to guac from Cosmic and cauliflower.
9 Thurs = HORSE DAY! Jazz's feet were unreliable so I took Newman out for a fantastic little jump around. My friend Catherine Boykiller came out too and rode for the first time in about 15 years, and rode AMAZINGLY WELL! Breakfast was banana and cashews, then had a few pink lady apples and a kombucha at work. After work, I splurged on another kombucha (omg I miss drinking things besides water) and had a banana. Evening snack was the avocado Catherine brought over and grapefruit.