So, on Friday, I set up two fermentation projects: another batch of my surefire half-sour pickles and an attempt at the Yummy Vegan kimchi. On unfermentated seemed alright. While I waited for the cabbage to salt, I fixed myself a big ol bowl of salad, consisting of zucchini, mixed greens, tomato, red pepper, onion, walnuts, avocado, pear, celery, olive oil and lemon juice. Can you say mm mm good?
In my haste to go out and see some great rock and roll from River City Ransom, Mosadi Music and Rat Jackson (arguably my fav local band right now), I failed to put the kimchi into a bath (*foreshadowing!*). Coming home late (4am) snack was mixed almonds, cashews and walnuts with kiwi.
Today, I woke up (after a none too refreshing 4 hours of sleep), tossed a raw crunch bar into my bag along with some kombucha, and ran out...only to hear the kombucha crack on concrete of the driveway as I got into my car to go to work. That was an expensive mistake. One of my lessons canceled, so I ran out and bought some Naked Juice over at Whole Foods (on sale in Chapel Hill, 2 for 5. Not a steal, but worthwhile.) In the hour break, I came home and made some more raw sushi.
Upon arrival home from my restaurant job, I found that my kimchi had bled juicy vinegary goodness all over the counter. AND IT SMELLS LIKE KIMCHI! I cleaned it up before attempting to make Raw Kitchen's Homemade hummus. I'm not posting a picture because it is a tub of beige goo, you all know how hummus looks! Besides which, it will pale in comparison to my salad porn. In sofar as taste is concerned, I tweaked the recipe a bit (added more lemon juice, some cumin.) It isn't bad, especially when used as a dipping sauce for cauliflower, celery etc, but on its own, the rather pungent and unmistakable flavor of raw chickpea is a bit overwhelming, even with all the masking veggies in there. I wish I had some red pepper to add. That would probably dress it up a bit. I think it's probably better than just trying to sprout your chickpeas and use a traditional hummus recipe, but this is one thing I'll be happy to cook again when it's all over.
Anyway, I'm exhausted and just wanted to update.
Days 10 and 11? (1/4 way there)...not too shabby.