Friday, April 8, 2011

Raw for Lent: Day 28-29

Weds Day 29

Today was another emerald kale salad dayyyyy. I put together a batch last night then just sort of chomped it down throughout the day, which was, of course, bear work day.

I had servings of salad before restaurant, after restaurant and before teaching, after teaching/before quiz and after quiz. After quiz I also chomped down on a grapefruit and some dates with their pits out and cashews shoved in instead. :) Those cashew date things were totally calling my name last night.

I also got this rad new app that identifies what you've eaten based on pictures. It's called "Meal Snap"-- it even identifies refuse food!

day 07 - a song that reminds you of a certain event

I feel like music is always linked to events in life, but there is one particular event, where I had an awful night and my best friend (and I should've known it at the time) met me at Kings Point Park and tried to teach me to slowdance while we listened to:

Day 29

Got up this morning and humped over to the gym, where I worked HARD man.

Afterward, I popped half a cantaloupe, then headed to the mall on an impossible mission: looking for a bathing suit that covers my stomach without ruffles or sequins or an ugly print or a skirt attached to it. I can rock neither a bikini nor a 10 year old girly girl special. After approximately 30 stores (seriously, I mall walked the HELL out of crabtree valley) and could not find one. I'm reminded of the great shorts debacle of 2010 (trying to find a pair of shorts with a hem, no sequins or words written on the ass, no fake spray paint but also not up to my boobs/down to my waist). Anyway, finally found something black, plain enough and decent at a sporting goods store.

When I came home, I prepped a new batch of kale, then ate a couple of pickles and headed to see Paul, the stoner-comedy flick about an alien road trip. It was really cute; Pegg and Frost have a real knack for genre comedy.

When I came home, I pounded the kale salad and am now soaking some cashews to make pear cashew cream for tomorrow. Anyway, I had some coconut water and am going to bed.

day 08 - a song that you know all the words to

I not only know all the words to this song, but to every song on this album, and probably every song on every blur album (including b sides) that predates this one too. To say I was a Blur fan back in the day would be an understatement.

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